"Tiny Hands Learning online classroom videos are EXCEPTIONAL!

I love getting to go back and look at the videos for reference whenever needed. Honestly I don't understand why everyone wouldn't purchase this class – it's so

affordable and so rewarding."

-Kira Jeffrey Kridler

"I'm so glad we took this class and Kris is an awesome

instructor! My 16MO is still not very verbal but he signs so we can communicate without frustration!"

- Hannah Roth

About Kris

Kris Smooke owns and operates Tiny Hands Learning, a fast-growing baby sign language business based outside of Charlotte, NC.

Her courses and programs are committed to enhancing early communication with babies and toddlers. She graduated in the field of Interpreting (ASL) and worked as a freelance interpreter in the Charlotte area prior to becoming a mom.

She is now the mother of two and became passionate about baby signs as soon as she began reaping the benefits of baby signs with her own children. This online course was created in response to COVID-19 and now Tiny Hands Learning is trusted nationwide by parents, caregivers, doctors, educators and (of course) the babies, too!